2025.2026 Registration

You must bring in the Registration Form along with the registration fee of $125 - cash or check only (please do not mail it in.)

Our 2025-2026 registration begins Monday, January 27, 2025 for current students and their siblings, Wednesday, January 29 for SHBC church members, and Thursday, January 30 for the public.  We will open the Preschool Office doors at 8:50am and registration will take place in Room 121. Thank you for your understanding.

2025-2026 Wait Lists & Availabilities

Pre-2: MW / TTh / 4 Day (Available)

Twos: MWF (Available) / TTh (Very Limited) / M-F (Available)

Threes: MWF (Very Limited) / TTh (Very Limited) / M-F (Waitlist)

Pre-K: MWF (Very Limited) / M-Th ( Limited) / M-F (Very Limited)