Is SHCA a full day school?

No, SHCA is a half-day preschool with the hours of 9:00am-12:00pm

Do you have to be a member of Scotts Hill Baptist Church to attend the preschool?

Absolutely not!

What are the qualifications of SHCA staff?

All staff members are members of SHBC, have completed CPR and First Aid Training, and have passed a criminal background check. Staff members also complete training in early childhood through workshops and seminars annually.


When is tuition due?

Tuition is due on the first day of the month from September through May, which is divided into 9 equal payments. You can also pay the full tuition up front.

Can I pay tuition by credit card?


At this time, we can only accept cash or check for Registration. Tuition payments may be made by cash, check, or electronic check through the Parent Portal . Checks can be mailed or brought to the office for payment, however cash payments need to be brought into the office.

How can I contact my child's teacher?

Mailing Address:

Because drop-off and pick-up are extremely busy for the teachers, we recommend calling the office to leave a message for the teacher or emailing her directly.  

Scotts Hill Christian Academy

PO Box 910

Hampstead, NC 28443